AmigaActive (1133/2143)

Date:14 May 2000 at 15:06:07
Subject:Re: GNUTella

Hello Gerald

>> I say legal because its designed to share files...not mp3
>> specifically, whereas Napster was designed solely for MP3
>> distribution.
> But not all mp3s are illegal.

I can further back that point up by saying (as my sources in the music biz
tell me), that 96% of mp3's downloaded are legal. With only a minor amount
being the pirates that the music industry is keen to promote, in an effort
to hold on to their monopoly of the industry by bad press.

It didn't work in the 70's when blank tapes came out and it wont work this
time, but it won't stop them trying

Adios Amigos

Steve Clark
DruidPoet Productions

Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

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